Just to clarify, the inappropriate comments were made on my previous post, "Play Date". Just pictures at the park. Therefore, implying that I brought this on myself by posting inappropriate pictures is ridiculous! Because some readers look at my girls and have immoral thoughts, I am making my blog private. I am very disappointed.....I was hoping to share Dad's sermons, etc. with everyone...not just family and friends. I will consider starting another blog with no pics to share those things. I will have to start over on my followers, so I will send an email out if I have your address....if not, email me sbrookbell@yahoo.com.
It is my belief that I am not qualified to judge others..... their thoughts, feelings or actions. It is not my place. I am perplexed by this sense of god-like entitlement. We are seeing this everywhere; look at the homosexual community.....people are being judged and ridiculed and it is pushing them to DEATH. It is my opinion that the "Christians" that are picketing funerals of homosexual individuals, etc are pushing people further away from faith. Why would someone want to believe in God when "his people" are hateful, hurtful and judgemental.
Your words hurt people...they do not help! If you have a cause that you want to support, that is wonderful, but make sure you have enough information and know how to pursue your goals, not push people away and look crazy doing it.
A few years ago, your negative comments would have me second guessing my abilities as a Mom. But today, I look at my three little girls and I am proud of what they are becoming. I am proud the of values and freedoms we have taught them. I am their cheerleader and protector and will do both with all of my heart.
Thank you for all of your support ladies (it's always something.....just like to keep it entertaining) :)
Harga Gergaji Kayu Viper
4 years ago
What a beautiful statement!
Brooke, for ever level headed and genuine person, there are 3 complete idiots who think they know better than everyone else. The beauty of these people is that they make themselves look horrible and you don't have to do ANYTHING. I agree, I'd do the same thing and make my blog private, at least for awhile. I don't know what the comments said, but there is NO excuse for people to say ANYTHING about you or your family that makes you uncomfortable. I know you can change your comment settings not to allow anoynomous comments, but if someone has a blogger login, they can still comment.
Let me know where you end up blogging! I love your blog and would love to read the sermons your speaking of.
Incidently, the "Christians" perecuting homosexuals make something in me BURN. Don't they have common sense?! We act like everyone who is Islamic is a terrorist based on the actions of a group of radicals, but what do these anti-gay actions say about Christians? My brother is gay and I know how he struggled with self esteem and suicidal thoughts, so I just want to slap some sense into these people. God will jusde when it comes time. That is NOT our job.
Long comment. Sorry!! Love your blog Brooke!
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