I did delete a couple of comments referring to me as an idiot and talking about my girls private parts....(in not so nice words). I have not posted inappropriate pics of my girls on my blog, nor will I. They do not wear make up......with the exception of face paint. I am done with you stupid people! I will not delete my blog and I will continue to share my opinions and pictures with those of you that wish to view it. If you don't like it, don't read it.
For all of you moms out there.....you are doing a great job! Being a mom is hard...whether you work at home or away. (By the way...we have more education in our pinky toe than you....anonymous poster)
I am hoping to post some pics of the new house....yep...new(well, not so new) total fixer upper :)
Until then.....
Harga Gergaji Kayu Viper
4 years ago
But you don´t have more education, alltogether then I have in MY pinky toe......Stay home moms are the most ignorant people I have heard of and you don´t do a job. You have left the life outside and live only through your children. And you have posted inappropriate pictures of a baby´s asshole. / anonymous well-educated and, when I see pics of you and the others in your 20s, I get surprised., You look like old hags
hahaha nice....please show me that pic you speak of. I do work, thank you. you really shouldn't post things you know nothing about. I wish you the best.
Seriously, anonymous? Most of the stay at home moms I know have degrees, many even have masters degrees, and you think they're ignorant? Have you ever stayed at home with a child (I highly doubt you are even a parent)? It's probably the hardest job there is, and no, I'm not at sahm. I greatly respect women who can handle that, even though the author you're pointing fingers at does work. If you've never stayed at home with children, how do you know these moms have left life outside the home? There are so many activities and groups and such that Moms do with their children nowadays. Life isn't what it was a) when you were young or b) when your mom was young with children.
You truly sound like the ignorant one because of your rant. And no, the blog author is actually quite beautiful. Old hags hide behind anonymous screen names and berate strangers' online journals. I feel sorry for you.
Dear Anonymous: I really feel so sorry for you. I'm guessing that since you have nothing better to do with your "ever so educated brain" that you find some sort of comfort or power in tearing down others, even others you don't know. I really hope you find some sort of peace soon and can find the security to move on. Obviously you are jealous and insecure, and the mix of those two things are not flattering you at all,I can see that even if you don't show your face.
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