Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Makenzie Grace

At night I tell the girls stories.....we start out..."what do you want the story to be about".....usual responses...."baby Addison"..."dogs"...."polka dot dinosaur"...ya know all the normal stuff. Well Grace has picked up on Mommy's story telling ability. This was our last conversation.....

"Mommy we have to say lots and lots of words before we say goodbye"

OK Grace

"I will not say goodbye until we have said lots and lots of words"

OK What do you want to talk about

"Once upon a time there was a princess named Baby Asson(Addison). I woke up and there was Princess Baby Asson and Bear Dog.....so I had to get the salt and pepper. (break....laughter...."mommy sissy is tickling me with her toes!"....resume story) Before I went to sleep it was my birthday and Princess Asson singing happy birthday to me. Happy Ever After!"

There were several stories like this....I wonder if I sound like that to her....lots of things that don't really go together seem to make the best stories.

My Sweet Baby Grace

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