The doctor let me go home!!!!!
Yesterday my mother-in-law had to take me to the hospital because I was having too many contractions. Healthy Connections, my home health care facility, tried to slow the contractions down by giving me more medicine, but my heart rate got to the point where I couldn't receive any more.
When I got all hooked up at the hospital, the contractions started to intensify and become very rhythmic. I was actually worried....I was in a lot of pain and nothing seemed to help. They gave me a shot in my hip.....still hurts......but it did calm down the uterine irritability. Unfortunately, the contractions didn't go away.
The doctor had me stay in the hospital with an iv (the nurse used the small needle and my mil talked me through it....didn't even cry.....terrified of needles)....fluids and pain meds. At 4 this morning my contractions slowed to 5 an hour; therefore, I was able to get off all the monitors, put a cushion on my bed, wrap up in a warm blanket and get a few hours of sleep.
By this morning I was still only effaced 50% and my contractions were still down. I assured the nurse and doctor that I would feel much better at home :) During my visit with the doctor, he said that it has been a really tough ride and the next time I come to the hospital he will not stop the labor. I am still in a lot of pain but I am huge so I think that has a lot to do with it :) I have medication to take at home that will hopefully help with the pain, contractions and sleep. We will be keeping the pump in until I deliver.
I am so lucky to have my family! My mother-in-law has bent over backwards for me....(she even dressed me in the hospital).....she doesn't leave my side until she knows Jer is coming and that I will not be alone....her conversation and company has been essential to my sanity :) My mom has gone above all expectations by giving all of her free time to helping, cleaning, driving hundreds of miles to help me with the girls!!!!....not to mention the phone calls that have done wonders in lifting my spirits. My aunt has filled in many mommy gaps that I haven't been able to fill.....taking the girls to special events and the numerous sleepovers. My MeeMaw and MeMe have helped so much with Faith and Grace....most importantly have kept up all the "just checking on you and Addison" phone's amazing how great an "I love you" from a grandma feels.
Most importantly my husband!!! I grew up watching my mom and dad love each other, protect each other and support each other. I am so grateful that I feel the same love with my husband. Last night we sat in silence at the hospital both reading our was amazing how comforting it was just having him there. He held my hand when he knew I was getting scared....I watched him pace the floors because he was so concerned about his girls. He brought me food and my favorite drinks.....just so I could have a little comfort at the hospital! I love him so very much!!!!
Prayer Request
There was a lady in the hospital last night that went into labor....she was only 26 weeks. I could feel her pain and fear. I pray that all is well with her and her little one.